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We began our journey in 2020, seeking to purchase 93 acres of wetlands out on Old Mound

Bayou Road.  Since then, we have expanded our mission into five (5) phases of work within the city limits of Mound Bayou and the surrounding counties:

1. Agricultural land acquisition, leasing, and growing

2. Commercial property acquisition and leasing

3. Urban and school development

4.  Business District Improvements


5.  Broadband and technology advancements


     As we raise the capital through shareholders and other means, you will see the development of new and modern housing; industry coming back to the area; schools being built again; full running farms and ranches that contribute to the existing economy of the town and area, and a technological boom, starting with the education and training of our children and adult citizens  in computer coding and cybersecurity. 

New businesses will emerge from within as well as new merchants coming into the city and surrounding counties.


Together, we will bring her back to life!

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